
This blog is intended to be a networking and support site for early childhood educators.
I recognise that time is a precious commodity, and have created this space where people can share ideas, communicate, challenge and support one another in their own time. Often when we reflect and look back we raise many questions, seek other points of view and ways of being/doing, and this is often possible in our own time away from the children we teach.

For too long there has been an air of secrecy about what happens in early education services, with networking and sharing of ideas and successes not a common occurrence. I envisage this blog being a way of breaking down and challenging these barriers to promote an online community and network where education of young children is at the forefront and open dialogue between educators continues to develop and inspire one another and the children we teach.

One thought on “About”

  1. I like your vision, especially about building meaningful networks for reflective dialogue in the early years. If we really are interested in putting each child in the centre of learning, then I’m thinking that meaningful connections to parents as well as bridges to the school system are also needed as part of this conversation…. then we will be able to personalize the learning of the child as a continuum from birth.

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